Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Better late than never

I can't tell you how many posts I've written in my mind. They are jumbled and in need of sorting, a lot like the rest of my life. It's been over a year since I posted. I guess that speaks volumes about what this past year has been like. Sometimes silence or void speaks louder than shouting...this year has been a tough one. To be honest there were moments when I've barely been able to keep my head up. Sprinkled in the middle of it have been lots of moments that sparkle in my mind. Moments with my husband, my kids, amazed by the love and prayers of God's people that surround me. I've had a few window's when I've had a rare break to do something creative, and that feeds my soul. I've tried to at least document them so that now I can go back and share them with you. Thanks for stopping back in to visit my blog. I hope to be able to visit here a bit more often myself.

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