Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Henrik's Bag

I love to re-purpose, it is a lot of the thought behind "Gilded Burlap".  It is taking something common and raising it to the next level. Henrik is my third child. My first child had an impressive diaper bag. The inside contained individual zip top bags with everything carefully folded and lined up so that I was prepared for everything that could possibly happen. By the time Henrik came I realized that the nursery probally didn't need a first aid kit, or a complete meal. Most of the time I put one extra diaper in my purse and a couple of wipes and called it good. As a result of this Henrik's things were often in whatever flowery handbag I happened to carry.My husband didn't think this was cool, so I went hunting for something in the house that looked "boyish". I came up with this bag that I got free with my subscription to Martha Stewart Living Magazine. I took off the Martha stewart label and personalized it for Henrik. I am please with the result. I traced the letter "H" onto some "wonder under" and ironed it on. Then I sewed around it with a zig zag stitch. I wrote his name on the back using what I like to call "thread sketching", basically it is free motion sewing. I added a few scribbles of sketching where the two colors come together  to reinforce the bag as it was comming apart a bit, and to add intrest.
Just a comical note, every now and then I see a Mom with one of those enormouse bags and my first instinct is,"wow she is prepared". Then I think, poor thing she has her hands full as it is and then to add that ridiculous bag is so unnecessary. Would someone please tell her to just stash a change of clothes in the side pocket of the car door and save her back!

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