Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Time Makes the Ache Deeper.

People often say, "Time heals all wounds." I couldn't disagree more.Yesterday was Dominik's fifth birthday. Dominik is our son who was stillborn because of anacephalie, a condition where the top of the head does not fully close. I always miss him, but yesterday the ache was deeper, the pain stabbing. I cried till I almost threw up. We have three beautiful, healthy children. I hold them in my arms most hours of the day. Some may think that they would fill the gap for Dominik, but the truth is I think watching them makes the hurt worse. Because of my children I fully grasp the love I have for them. I understand the joy of spirit as I watch them at each new stage discover God's world. I realized for the first time yesterday that Brooke and Dominik would have been 17 months apart, the exact spacing of my youngest two. I love how they play together,and I wanted that for Brooke. I really want a family of four kids, like I had growing up. Now with my diagnosis with Crohns disease chances of that look very slim. I want him fiercely. This was our first year to have a spring dance recital...what a wonderful experience. I was so proud of Brooke. She was stunning, poised and beautiful. I want to follow that up with an afternoon at the baseball field. I want grass stained knees and muddy cleats at the back door.

For Dominik's birthday we sent him balloons. Adam, and I released "Happy Birthday" balloons, Brooke had Spiderman, because she knows what 5 year old boys like, Alexa wanted the cupcake and Henrik Elmo. We all wrote him a message, or drew him a picture and sent them to heaven. I was good. It made me really wish we had a birthday party here instead of just releasing balloons. I wonder what theme Dominik would have chosen. Alexa had lots to say about it. She told everyone at the store that the balloons were for her brother who is in heaven. She decided that she wanted to see him. Then she looked at me with a puzzled face and asked, "Do I have to be dead to see him in heaven? cause I don't want to be dead," she said. We all talked about how we missed him and wanted him here. We spoke of the confidence we have that we will see him again because we believe in Jesus so we will go to heaven someday. We talked about how Jesus is taking good care of Dominik. We realized that he would be in Mrs. Crump's young five kindergarten in the fall. I felt sad, really really sad. I'm sad that our world is so broken. Sad that sin wrecked what God intended to be perfect. I'm sad that we don't have our son here with us, sad that I'm sick, sad that life is hard and we have to teach our kids how to cope with it. Most days I count my blessings, I find the silver lining, the gold woven in the burlap, but today I'm just going to ache. I recognize the broken darkness of the world we live in and the great need we have for our Savior Jesus Christ. One day He will restore it all to His perfect design with a new heaven and a new earth. I long with hope for that day.


  1. Very well written Michelle. Life is hard but God is good. And it's o.k. to feel the ache because it is real and God feels it too. You are right this is not how he intended it to be. Looking forward to being reunited with Dominik in heaven one day. Love your idea of the balloons too, as I am sure the kids did as well. He will always be apart of their lives just as my sister Kimmy has always been apart of mine even though I never got to meet her, my parents always kept her memory alive just as you are doing for your kids. Love you dear friend! ~Kamra

  2. Thanks for telling your story, Michelle. I wish I had something eloquent to say in response, but there are really no words to comfort what you have been through. It is so incredibly evident that you are courageous and God plays an integral part in your life. I am sure that Dominik can feel the amazing love of his momma up their in heaven!

  3. we love you. we love you. praying for you tonight.

  4. "Someday our pain will be no more
    Someday our tears will fade away
    Someday we'll see our Lord and Savior, face to face.
    Someday we'll rest, from all our burdens,
    Someday we'll see, His smile
    Someday he'll look us in the eye, and say, "Welcome home, my child."
    Someday we'll walk beside our Father
    Someday we'll rest at his feet
    Someday our trials will all be over
    We'll be completely free!
    Praise God, on high. All that's wrong will be made right.
    How we long, for the day, every wounded soul will be made whole.
    So lets worship Him with a mighty voice, like we're already with Him in paradise
    Praise God, on high, Praise God."

    Michelle, Praising God with you for the gift of Dominik in your lives. Thanking God for permanent healing for your precious son. Petitioning God to comfort you today and in the years to come as the ache of loss remains.

    1. Julie, thank-you for the reminder of the words of this song. I remember singing it with all of my heart at Dominik's service. There were tears and a lump in my throat, but we believe these words and therefore proclaim them in the middle of hard times. Praise God on high.

  5. Very powerful words, Michelle. Thanks for the glimpse into your pain. I'm so glad that you know the Lord and have a context for the sadness... Love you.
