Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Five Loaves and Two Fish

"This is what I've got Jesus, I'm just a kid, and this is my lunch. It's yours if you want it." I am certain that the little boy who had come to hear Jesus had no idea that he would watch his lunch feed a multitude of over 5,000 people.
This weekend I was able to feel what that little boy felt. "I'm just a Mom", I said to Jesus. "I have a few bags of clothes and some extras from my house. I don't have any tables, and I surely don't have enough stuff to make a decent sale. I feel you calling me do a garage sale and to trust you. It's yours if you want it."
The Holy Spirit was nudging my heart and I listened. I posted on my blog that I'd be doing a benefit sale. Once it was in print I was held accountable...no backing out. I doubted, I didn't know if it would be worth the effort. I second guessed, how can my $.25 items add up to anything worthwhile? I got overwhelmed, how can I possibly sort through all of this stuff? Then I just decided to trust, I stayed in motion. God sent reinforcements and all jobs got done. Then I watched in amazement as God kept multiplying our offerings. The exact people that needed what we had showed up. A friend stopped in who was looking for sleepers to send to a women's health clinic in Bolivia. I sent her on her way with a bag full for free. Our youth pastor and his beaming wife stopped in and the treasures that I was having a hard time letting go of from my girls found a happy home. A young pregnant girl stopped in with her mentor from "Big Brother, Big Sister" and they walked away delighted with their bag of bargains. A mother six weeks from her due date with her second child found her self starting from scratch after a move and an unexpected pregnancy. She left with her arms full for the same amount of money that would have brought home one outfit from "Babies are Us".
After the sale I was exhausted, but energized in my soul. I said to my husband,"this makes me want to look for the next way that we can be generous." A few hours later I got a phone call that dear friends of ours had a fire in their house in the night. Praise God they all made it out OK. They had escaped moments before the floor collapsed. All they had was literally the pajamas that they were wearing. The friend that called me said that they were in need of extra blankets, and adult clothes. I had two beautiful quilts in the garage that several people had looked at during the day, but no one had purchased them, and boxes and boxes of adult clothes that had not sold. She came the next day and loaded her car to the ceiling. All of the leftover children's clothes were delivered to Alpha women's center who helps over 4,000 Mothers a year. All these blessings and you are wondering so how much did you raise for the missionaries in Africa? Drum roll please...$600.00 God is still a God of miracles.Clearly, He multiplied our meager offerings.  "I don't have much Lord, but it is yours if you want it. "

Luke 12:33 "Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

A huge thank-you to all who contributed to the sale. All of our little bits came together and God used them to create something great. Blessings on you. Your treasure is in heaven. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy to see this!!! How amazing :)
    I had every intention of sorting through our house and bringing you what I could....instead I've been tending to 4 kids with Fifths. So I trusted that God would bring who He intended to bring all along :) What a great gift to Tim & Michelle. And a great gift to you to experience the joy of giving and seeing how God answers prayer when we are willing to be used. Love you friend, mandy
